Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Seven Simple Steps

Everyone is an author.

Not of a book, short story or a poem.  Nope, every single one of you gets to write your own life story.

Unfortunately, stories are just like life.  There are bad ones, good ones and great ones.  The outline below will help you make your personal story a bestseller, so grab some paper (or your laptop) and let's get started!

There are seven basic steps to creating the perfect story.
  1. Understand your story- there's an old saying, "Know where you came from so you can see where you're going."  That is important in making life-changing decisions or shifting from one stage in your life to another.  Knowing who you are is the first step to crafting what you do and where you are going.
  2. Choose your plot-  that's the where, what and why.  Where do you live?  What is your occupation?  Why are you looking to make changes in your life?  Where are you headed next?  Your plot keeps the story flowing smoothly from beginning to end.
  3. Choose your hero-  who's going to save you when things go wrong?  Most people have and/or want to have someone to care for and who cares for you.  That's universal, but you have to be careful of who you choose as your hero/heroine- are they up to the challenge of "saving you" when needed?
  4. Choose your character- THIS IS YOU!!!  Who you are creates character, while creating your character.  Selling and branding your skill sets is literally a business- don't become socially or morally bankrupt.  Choose your boundaries on how you will act and what you will tolerate.
  5. Choose your media- How will people interact with you?  Face-to-face, texts, email, social media or phone?  Each conversation you have can help or hinder your progress.  You are your biggest critic, but also your biggest promoter.  Shamelessly exploit the fact that you are the person best to publicize you!  Inappropriate texts and social media posts can haunt you going forward- be careful on what you post for the world to see, 
  6. Observe the rule of 3's- the focus is on the way human beings process information. Know the old wives talk about bad news coming in set of threes? We've become experts in recognizing patterns and three is the smallest number of elements required to create a pattern. Always ask and answer these questions when making life changes or 
  7. Observe the Golden Rule- Come up with your ending before you figure out your middle!  Every decision is important, but you can learn from every mistake.  

Finish your story and let go.  Even if it's not perfect.

Have you finished writing your story or is it a work in progress?  Tell us what stage you're on!

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