Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Exit Strategies

There are 7 days in a week.

                                                  ... and Someday isn't one of them.

We've talked about how to M.O.V.E. from your present situation towards your target destination.  When you start to M.O.V.E. you have no choice but to encounter change.  The very act of starting something new creates the beginning of an exit strategy-a means of leaving one's current situation, either after a predetermined objective has been achieved, or as a way to mitigate failure.

You've created a list of things that you want to accomplish; handpicked your Justice League to fight battles and lend a shoulder to cry on.  In short, taken the first steps towards Mending your body, mind and spirit. 

Now it's time to network to increase your net worth (exit strategy) by
                Optimizing your resources and opportunities

It can be very difficult to break out of a habit. Studies show that it can take from 21-184 days to change a habit.  Whether you are a self-motivator or need someone to push you along, it is important that you make this step a habit fairly quickly.  Everyone has a circle of trusted individuals that they can confide in.  Your personal circle (Justice League) may number 2 people or 102 people.  That doesn't matter.  You can always meet someone new that can expand your opportunities.

A friend of mine is an Extrovert.  I am an Introvert (Myers-Briggs Personality Test).  She is very outgoing, enjoys talking to and meeting new people and has a social media family that puts mine to shame.  I tend to be reserved until you get to know me, do not like meeting new people and am quite content to communicate by text rather than in person.  We met at work in sales jobs where our sole focus was to meet, talk and sell individuals a product.  We were both successful in spite of our differences and the bond we formed from that job has been wonderful.  She and I have discovered our true calling and are now at a point where we can look back and see the struggles we've encountered and share solutions on avoiding those pitfalls to others.

That being said, we would never have been able to do this if we had not taken the time to speak and get to know each other when our paths originally crossed. Let's get the ball rolling! Make a list of 100 people you know and reach out to them one by one just to say hello.  You never know what may happen- it uncovered a new job opportunity for me. Sound like too much work?  Just make the effort to start a conversation with someone you don't know - about anything.  Join a club, sign up for a class that sounds interesting or smile at someone you don't know at school/work. The goal is to put yourself in the best light and make the effort to step out of your comfort zone.

There is always strength in numbers, so if you get frustrated going it alone try to find a networking group. There are work-related LEAD groups, after hours networking and meet and greets in most cities.  My friend and I are hosting an Opportunities Based group this month that will focus on Strategic Exiting (from jobs, relationships or any other unhealthy situation in your life).  Hopefully, this will be a way for individuals to verbalize goals and give a forum and supportive group to help them achieve those goals.

Interested in attending?  Let me know.  In the meantime, start thinking about who you know that you haven't spoken to in a while.  Make an effort to reach out to them this week.  You never know what might happen when you begin Optimizing your resources and opportunities.

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