Wednesday, July 2, 2014


..I have less fear than I did on July 18, 2011.

Three years ago I was downsized- part of a wave in my previous industry.  I knew what was coming and had time to mentally and physically prepare for the shift headed my way. 

I took a year to be a stay at home mom for my sons (PTA meetings, games, hot chocolate chip cookies after school) and spent time writing poems, short stories and LOTS of lists!  I uncovered more about myself in that period of time than I had the previous decades.  Sitting still in silence allowed God to speak clearly to me about what was coming.

I was fortunate and blessed to find a new career just as I was running out of a severance package and promptly dove into the business of working, parenting and living.  While grateful for the new opportunity, I have sacrificed excellent sleep, quiet time and creativity to perform at the level necessary to juggle all of my responsibilities.  As I come up on a 2 year anniversary of my new job, I have been spending time reflecting on that period in my life and trying to get that sense of peace back.  It's ironic that I was so peaceful in the midst of chaos, but the truth is that I simply had less fear.

Being fearless is not always being brave and courageous.  Sometimes it just means you have less fear about what's around the corner than you have peace about where you are headed.  In those moments, you have to stop and ask yourself, "What's the real issue here- failure or lack of trying?"  

It's a math equation.  Does trying hold less fear than failing?  Does failure hold less fear than the possibility of success? There's a bible verse I love: And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his  span of life?  Luke 12:25.  In this day and age of technology, every minute and every hour is precious.  We spend so much time rushing around that we don't actually get anything accomplished.  If you have a free hour, what would you rather do with it- time spent doing something you love or spending that time worrying?

Write down the things that currently create a sense of fear for you.  Job loss, relationships issues, health complications, debt problems... The list can be endless but keep it to less than 10 items.  Once you've written down those things, out to the side write down what would happen in a worst case scenario.  Than write down the best case scenario for each one.

How does reading those best/worst case options make you feel- anxious or oddly calm?  Statistics show that when you designate time to be anxious, you actually reduce anxiety and fears.  Schedule "fear time" to look at pros and cons of all the issues facing you right now- that designated time may turn into the quiet time you needed all along.

Starting now- make an effort to be fearless, or at the very least have less fear.  I guarantee your life will love you for it.

Share with us:  What things make you fearful?  What things make you fearless?

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