Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Emotional Warriors

I am Wonder Woman.

April Lee

Growing up, did you every play Make Believe?  With a towel for a cape and paper towel rolls as a sword, my brother and I went to War and Saved the World a thousand times! 

Wonder Woman was my she-ro.  She was the first female action hero I ever saw and she kicked butt.  Her truth lasso and bracelets of power were AWESOME and don't get me started on her invisible jet!  Looking back on my fascination, I think Wonder Woman's real attraction for me was her mission to right wrongs and defeat bad guys. Superhero's Save the World-a glamorous, thankless job.  

Many of us (male and female) spend our lives trying to live up to someone else's ideal.  That can be exhausting. Righting wrongs and defeating bad guys is only fun if you win most of the time.  The daily grind of life doesn't always set you up to succeed and that's where things can get shaky.

Here are three things to keep things from toppling over:

  • Faith- unlike Wonder Woman, I know that I am not in charge of my destiny.  Focusing on the life I want to lead, leads me to the life I want.
  • Focus- lists, people.  Lists!  Write down where you want to go and map out how to get there
  • Framily- your circle of family and/or friends that become your "Justice League".  Even if you are the baddest chick/dude out there, you need a select few who have your best interests at heart even when you don't. (If you need an explanation for Justice League, please spend time on the internet looking it up)
These three things will help you with the emotional warfare that you encounter every day when your feet hit the floor.  Your mind is being bombarded with images, ideas and other people's interests over 840 times every day. Guard yourself with your own truth lasso and bracelets of power- your Faith and your Framily.  

Fight emotional warfare with your emotional warriors.

If you don't have a "Justice League", go out and gather them today.  If you already have a "Justice League", make sure they know who they are and what battles you've been facing. Superheros fight harder when they know what their battles are.  Who are your real life Superheros?  

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to be Wonder Woman too! Graceful, beautiful and a super heroine! Everybody needs a Justice League but more importantly who has the Kryptonite?! I don't know what I'd do without my faith and framily too!
