Ever regretted a decision that you made?
I have and it made me so angry every time I thought about what the decision cost me (emotionally). Every time I turned around I uncovered another solution to the problem than I had thought of before.
Here's a suggestion to keep you moving forward Instead of wallowing in regret or hindsight:
start using kindsight.
Kindsight is looking at things from a more forgiving light. Instead of asking yourself, "Why did I do something so stupid?" pose the question "What did I learn from this?" instead.
Each decade that you enter (and leave) will share new lessons with you. I can honestly say that I love the decade that I am currently in!
You could not pay me to relive a decade over because every lesson I learned turned me into the person that I am today.- stronger, more compassionate, wiser and more focused on others.
Hindsight may be the recognition of realities or possibilities of a situation after its occurrence; but
kindsight is the compassionate and gracious ability to recognize a positive thing after it occurs. There should never be a harsh criticism against being a compassionate and gracious human being. Changing the world starts with you and if you are viewing your mistakes and past with rose-colored glasses, you are more inclined to view others the same way.
As you begin to M.O.V.E. (previous posts), you have to include a healthy dose of forgiveness at every turn. You will have to forgive your family and friends that criticize you uninvited. The person you will have to forgive the most though is yourself.
You are your harshest critic. When you decide to do something, you will. When you decide you can't do something, you won't. While you should always have a Justice League to swoop in and rescue you when things get too rough, always reserve the Superman spot for yourself.
Don't rely on others to constantly boost you up, be your cheerleader, create a defense strategy and ultimately make sure your awesomeness is transmitted throughout the universe. Be your own cheerleader! Remind yourself daily- AWESOME ends with Me!
What do you need to view with more kindsight? Want to develop your kindsight? Need to feel more AWESOME? Want to know how to M.O.V.E.?
Let me know and I'll help get you started!